Malice in Wonderland — Directed by Gus Trinkonis. Drama. The story of Hedda Hopper, Hollywood actress and gossip columnist crushing all before her, including Louella Parsons, Color 1985
Too bad. Jane Alexander is quite fine, and she has the far better part. But then Our Liz had to take the part of the older woman because that’s what she was, for Parsons took 20 years off her age, poor thing. The script is rotten and Richard Dysart is bafflingly bad. It’s fun to behold Elizabeth Taylor, quite beautiful at 52, in her own jewelry. But her performance is forced, partly because the director is a ninny and partly because the script is TV generic junk. But also because something went wrong with her as an actress when she was over 30. Or she chose parts of harridans and harpies, which her particular actor’s instrument was not designed to play with any finesse or fun. The greatest romantic actress of her era as a shrew? Nope. Of course it’s always interesting to see this great beauty as a beauty, just as it’s interesting to see the Grand Canyon from different angles. Both World Treasures.