Archive for the ‘Directed by Anthony Page’ Category

My Zinc Bed

30 Jan

My Zinc Bed — directed by  Anthony Page  — Drama. A billionaire and his wife throw temptation in the way of a recovering addict. 75 minutes color 2008.

* * * * *

Do you like His Gal Friday. Do you like that rapid crossfire of conversation laced with devilish seduction? I do. So I like this piece a lot. Billionaire Jonathan Pryce plays the Imperiousness Of Addiction, cunning, baffling, powerful, and he levels his attack on the one thing he comes nowhere near possessing,: the freedom of temperament of artistic talent. So he meets the poet and he hires the poet and he even countenances the poet making love to his wife. It’s a fascinating scenario. For the wife is played by Uma Thurman, in the role of  is-she-an-alcoholic-or-isn’t-she. Thurman is just right for this part, celestially beautiful, majestic, and opaque. The poet is played by Patrick Considine, an actor I have never heard of, and he skirts all the righteous, crappy pain an English actor would ordinarily infuse into this role: think the opposite of Richard Burton at his worst. Like His Gal Friday, also known as The Front Page, My Zinc Bed is a stage play masterfully rendered into film by David Hare who wrote it and by Anthony Page who directed it. This, the fastest tennis game on camera, is shot perfectly and directed perfectly and played out perfectly by these three fine actors. Does Jonathan Pryce know everything? How could he? But one look into his eyes and you can see that not only does he know everything, but he knows everything in particular. His wife calls him constantly kind, but one wonders, how could a man so knowing and so taunting ever be also always kind? Well, this is one of the koans of this material. Well worth the experiencing for all 12 Steppers, all friends of Bill W, as it outlines the perils of white-knuckling it, the collapse of white-knuckling it, the restoration to sanity from white-knuckling it. Well worth the experience of everyone else as well.


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